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Proverbs: Correction

If you hate rebuke, you are a stupid fool who is only leading others astray and causing more harm to yourself. It will result in poverty and disgrace and death for you. Look, that’s just what the Scriptures say. And, if that is truly to be the result of those who continue in their own way and ignore the instruction of the Lord, then no wonder He rebukes those He loves. It would actually be unloving to not correct and redirect such destructive behavior. 
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Proverbs: Anger

It’s ridiculous how easy it can be to rationalize, minimize, and outright deny our own anger while pointing to the anger of the other person. Let me say that again in case you missed it: it’s easy to see the absurdities in those examples because they are outside of yourself, but you deceive yourself about what’s inside of you. We tell ourselves that our anger is justified and moral and good and right, but the anger of everyone else around us is unmerited absurdity. So, I want to invite you do something with me this morning. This is not a sermon for the other side. This is not a sermon to pass off to that one person in the office you think needs to hear it. This is a sermon for you, and...
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Own the Vision: Prayer

I want to invite you to do something that may seem contrary to how you’ve approached life and God up to this point. I want to invite you to do something that might seem to be just outright dangerous. I want to invite you to pray for turbulence. Invite the turbulence. Stop praying safe and shallow prayers. Friends, if we are to be a church that believes in the power of prayer, then we need to begin to pray like it. I mean, when was the last time we prayed something that challenged us in our very spirit? Something that shook us? Something that disturbed us?
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Romans: For the Love

You see, through the first eleven chapters of Romans, Paul has been focusing on God’s redemptive work for us through Jesus Christ. The focus of the letter has been on what God has done, but there’s a shift that occurs in Romans 12. See, Paul begins to turn his attention to God’s redemptive work in us. He turns his attention to what we are now called to do. And, he begins to demonstrate this profound point— that the power of God at work within you is not just for the forgiveness of sin; it’s also the empowerment to be made more like Him. Theologians would say it this way: the power of God is not only for justification but also for sanctification.
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Easter Eggs

It is easy to overlook something when we don’t really know what we’re looking at. When we aren’t looking for what we ought to be looking for, the details will escape us. The circumstances and environments we find ourselves within can often cause us to miss the deeper reality of what God is doing. In one of Jesus' last statements, He declares that He is the Resurrection. Jesus doesn’t say that He brings resurrection or that He gives life. He’s not merely communicating something He does by these words; rather, He is showing us who He is. And, if we don’t know what it is we’re looking for, we’ll miss it.
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Galatians: The Fruit of the Spirit

What’s portrayed in Thorin’s story is something true of our own stories. Whether you are a Christ-follower or not, you know something about dragon-sickness. See, we’re all in a battle; we fight against a great dragon—who only speaks lies, knows only fear, and breeds only hate—, but do not be deceived because we do not fight with uncertainty about the outcome. Jesus already dealt Satan his deathblow when He was nailed to that Cross. The ruin of the Dragon and of sin and of fear and abandonment was sealed away when Jesus was nailed to the Cross, defeated death, and rose to life victoriously. The Dragon has been defeated, but we continue to battle against dragon-sickness within each of our...
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Here is the beautiful news about the gospel, though: we are not prisoners of our predispositions. God is making us into something new. Simply because our parents are our parents, they naturally have an influence on the type of people we become. Something of themselves becomes hardwired deeply into our DNA and shapes and influences us. But, this is not only true of our biological parents. This deeply rings true about our heavenly Father as well. I think this is one of the reasons Scripture alludes to birth so strongly when talking about coming to faith in Christ. When we are born again, we are made into a new creation.
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Autumn In My Heart

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris urna turpis, maximus ac ultrices id, commodo non magna. Aenean vel dignissim urna. Nullam consequat aliquam semper. Donec dictum accumsan viverra. In dui dolor, imperdiet vel hendrerit venenatis, fringilla nec lectus. Morbi viverra lectus nec risus adipi. Praesent nec elementum augue. Maecenas quis ex odio. Etiam cursus nulla id neque maximus pulvinar. Pellentesque lorem orci, elementum a tincidunt at, placerat eu nibh. Proin ut ullamcorper magna. Suspendisse vel nibh. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas placerat.
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Sunshine In Autumn

Praesent nec elementum augue. Maecenas quis ex odio. Etiam cursus nulla id neque maximus pulvinar. Pellentesque lorem orci, elementum a tincidunt at, placerat eu nibh. Proin ut ullamcorper magna. Suspendisse vel nibh. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas placerat. Consequat aliquam semper. Donec dictum accumsan viverra. In dui dolor, imperdiet vel hendrerit venenatis, fringilla nec lectus. Morbi viverra lectus nec risus adipi. Praesent nec elementum augue. Maecenas quis ex odio. Etiam cursus nulla id neque maximus pulvinar. Pellentesque lorem orci, elementum a tincidunt at, placerat.
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Corra Music

Etiam lacinia fermentum egestas. Donec diam neque, lobortis sit amet interdum at, gravida eget tellus. Aliquam sit amet nunc auctor, tincidunt erat placerat, tempus arcu. Sed aliquet ultrices lectus, sed interdum lectus sollicitudin sed. Aliquam eleifend sit amet lectus non convallis. Aenean eu finibus libero. Integer malesuada ue. A leo ac mattis. Sed ac diam quis dolor cursus gravida. Morbi laoreet, nibh at consequat ullamcorper, turpis libero interdum turpis, in bibendum urna leo ut lacus. Duis tincidunt nec tortor feugiat finibus. Phasellus nisl eros, aliquet eu imperdiet vitae, hendrerit et sem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer nulla neque porttitor sit.
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