In The Narrow Path, Villodas takes us into a deeper, but super practical, dive of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Chapter by chapter, we are invited to more closely examine the various topics of this famous sermon: evaluating the effectiveness of our witness as disciples of Christ, the effects of our anger and our words, the influence of our desires and our money, what do with our anxiety and our judgments, navigating through our decisions, and how to approach our enemies. In doing so, Villodas aims to accomplish two things. First, he writes to remind us that Jesus’ narrow path offers the life we truly desire. Secondly, he writes to help us stay on the path so we can experience the deep fulfillment Jesus alone offers.

It is that second ambition that is compelling to me. As Villodas reminds us, though the path we are invited to travel is described as narrow, this does not mean it is restrictive. Quite the contrary, actually. Living out the Sermon on the Mount is liberating and the way to a fulfilling life as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Yet, there is a cost associated with it. As G. K. Chesterton is quoted, “The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried.”

What I appreciated most about this book is that it is very accessible. It is not heavy on theology, but in this instance, that is a wonderful thing as it allows the reader to practically take the words of the Sermon on the Mount to heart. As such, this would be a great resource for a new disciple and a mature Christian alike. By reading it, you will undoubtedly be challenged to allow the way of Christ to influence and shape every part of your daily living. As the book states, “Behavior modification without interior examination eventually leads to spiritual desolation.” The objective, then, is not to tweak or modify our actions as much as it is to allow the Spirit of God to transform us into the image of the Son. That is the way of the narrow path.

A big thank you to NetGalley and WaterBrook & Multnomah for the advanced readers copy in return for my honest review.